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Urban Planning  Theories

The Science of  Human Settlement

Practice and  research on concept planning

Practice in  detailed planning

Research on  campus planning & design



Doctor Degree  in Urban Planning & Design, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  1992

Bachelor of  Architecture and the medal of “Excellent Graduate student of Tsinghua  University,”School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1985


Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

Taught and  researched in architecture, urban planning and design in the School of  Architecture (08/1992-present)

Associate  Professor of Tsinghua University (02/1995-04/1998)

Vice Director  of Architecture & City Research Studio (08/1995-10/1999)

Professor of  Tsinghua University (05/1998-present)

Vice Dean of  the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (10/1997-present)

Director of  the Department of urban planning and design (10/1999-07/2005)

President of  the Urban Planning & Design Institute of Tsinghua (10/1999-present)

PhD student  supervisor of Tsinghua University (04/2000-present)

Academic  Position

Syndic, China  City Science Research Society (1994-present)

Administrative  Syndic, China Urban Planning Society (10/1999-present)

Commissary,  Academic Committee of “Development of Small Cities & Towns”  (2000-present)

Editor,  Editorial Committee of “City Planning Review” (01/2001-present)

Counselor,  Beijing Government Consultative Committee (12/2000-present)

Vice Director,  Committee of Green Architecture, China City Science Research Society  (03/2007-present)


Projects of  City Planning and Design that directed or participated from 1985 are  mainly as follow:

Master Plan of  Guilin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, China

Master Plan of  the Campus of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Constrictive  Detailed Plan of the West District (Central District) of Zhong Guancun  Science and Technology Park (Accepted and implemented Plan in the  International Bidding), Beijing, China

Concept Plan  of the Greater Guangzhou Area, Guangdong Province, China

Detailed Plan  of Shenzhen University Town, Guangdong Province, China

Concept Plan  of Xianlin New Urban Area (80 sq.km), Nanjing, Guangxi Autonomous  Region, China

Master Plan of  Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, China

Detailed Plan  of Olympic Forest Park and the Central Area, Beijing, China

Master Plan of  Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region, China

Overall  Tourism Planning of Tibet Autonomous Region, China

Overall City  Design of Changchun, Jilin Province, China

Master Plan of  Yinchuan, Ningxia Autonomous Region, China

The Implement  and Decision Consulting System City Planning and Design of Beijing

Concept Plan  of the River East Residential Group of Shunyi New Town, Beijing, China

Research of  the Planning and Design of Public Facilities and Installations in  Changping New Town, Beijing, China

Strategy  Planning of San Menxia, Henan Province, China

The General  Outline of the Master Plan of Haikou, Hainan Province, China

Master Plan of  Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

Master Plan of  Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China

The City-Town  System Plan of Zhang Jiagang, Jiangsu Province, China

City Design of  Cao Feidian Coastal New Town, Hebei Province, China



Most of the  practices and researches in the recently 20 years are characterized by  cross-subject and multi-specialty cooperation. Methods to organize a big  research team have been developed to deal with comprehensive problems,  which had won good reputation and consent. This kind of knowledge has  been used in teaching courses for the students

Participated  in research of preservation and development of aarchitecture environment  in the urbanism process of the developed areas, Major Program of the  National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 59238150)  (1993-1997)

Participated  in research of the Science of Human Settlement, and Published On The  Methodological Thinking Of Building The Science Of Human Settlement  Environment

Directed  demonstration of location of the Central Venue Area of the 2008 Olympic  Games

Directed the  Master Campus Plan of several Universities or University Town in China,  and made a distinctive contribute to the concept, planning and methods  of the construction of University and University Town in China

Participated  in the research of planning and design the Shuangshan Island in Zhang  Jiagang, Jiangsu Province, China, an international cooperation project,  sponsored by the “Architecture and social housing” Foundation  (07/1996-present)

Participated  in the research of the Urbanism of China and the east-northern Asia, an  China, USA, and Korea international cooperation project  (10/1996-present)

Directed  research of “the transformation of city planning: towards pubic  policies”, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, (Research  of the Science of Human Settlement in City Development, The National  Basic Research Program <973 Program>) (2006)




The  Methodology of Urban planning (Core, 30 students in spring)

Town and  Country Land Use Planning (Core, 30 students in spring)

Environment  Impact Assessment (Optional, 30 students)

Oversea  Academic Activities

Advanced  studies in University of British Columbia, Canada (07/1992-09/1992)

Researcher in  The Fulbright Program as a visiting professor in UC Berkeley, USA  (09/1998-07/1999)



The planning  of model housing unit in Binlang, Zhongshan, The planning & design award  of national housing engineer, First Prize 1st, (07/1997)

Zhong Guancun  West District Constrictive Detailed Planning, International Bidding,  Bid-winning Prize 1st (12/1999)

Zhong Guancun  West District Constrictive Detailed Planning, The excellent urban design  award in Beijing, No Grade 1st (02/2000)

The planning  of international exhibition & sports center in Beijing, International  competition for Beijing 2008 Olympic, Third Prize 1st (07/2000)

To maintain &  develop the building environment in urbanization process in developed  area, the award of science & technology by the education department,  Second Prize 8th (05/2001)

Nanning  Xiangsi Lake Detailed Planning, The excellent urban design award in  Guangxi Province, 1st (11.2005)



Journal Papers

1.   Yin Zhi. Catching the  opportunity, facing the challenge and pursuing the innovation. City  Planning Review, 1994

2.   Yin Zhi. The changing  thoughts in urban design to the 21th century. Urban Development  Research, 1996

3.   Yin Zhi. The design  exploration of the central area in Sanya. City Planning Review,1999/02

4.   Yin Zhi. On The  Methodological Thinking of Building the Science Of Human Settlement  Environment. City Planning Review, 1999/06

5.   Yin Zhi. Building the  democratic and civic urban society. City Planning Review,2000/01

6.   Yin Zhi. The development  of Guangzhou in opportunity & challenge. City Planning Review,2001/03

7.   Yin Zhi. Creating a new  urban image on the base of sustainable development. City Planning  Review,2001

8.   Yin Zhi. Overall Planning  and Urban Design for Zhong Guan Cun Plaza. Architectural Journal,  2005/07

9.   Yin Zhi. Methodology of  City Planning. City Planning Review,2005/11

10.  Yin Zhi. Road Prototype  and Evolution of Townscape in Europe. Planners, 2006/06

11.  Yin Zhi. Value Orientation  and Behavior Motivation of Government. City Planning Review,2008/04


Yin Zhi. The  Preservation and Development of Architecture Environment in the Urbanism  Process of Developed Area, China Architecture and Building Press, 2001

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